Friday, February 12, 2016

Hello from Ozark

Well, FINALLY, I figured out -- well, actually, Deb figured out -- how I can get into my own blog as ME and not HER.

Now, don't laugh, but I did not realize that my blog was part of Google.

It is no small thing that I can even DO a blog!


My lightning fast mind let me down!

Probably that menengioma in my brain.

So now that I am finally back on my own blog, HOW HAVE YOU ALL BEEN?  I want to thank all of you who took the time to send me such lovely comments after the nasty remark I got from whoever it was.

Jerry and I are in Ozark, MO attempting to pick up his birthday boat.  Unfortunately, the boat STILL is not fixed right, and Jerry has told them he does not want THAT boat.  He wants his money back, or he wants a different boat.

Evidently, it takes an act of God to get such a thing accomplished, but FORTUNATELY FOR US, we are joint heirs with His own Son!  We have to wait until Monday for the higher-ups to get together to have a meeting to decide what to do about Jerry and his boat.  We offered to go stay in a hotel, but Jim and Deb insisted that we stay here with them.  We were quite concerned about HOW ON EARTH we were going to get payroll done for our employees, and then I had the most amazing idea.

What are BFF's best known for!?

Of course, it is for stopping what they are doing -- with company at their house -- and driving to your store while you are hundreds of miles away, and doing payroll for all your employees who they don't even know!


My Terry did that.  Not just once, but TWICE in the same day.  If I could reach her, I would hug the stuffings out of her!!!  She totally saved the day for us and kept us from having to drive all the way home only to return here again for the THIRD TIME over this boat.

I have stuff to tell you, but Jerry and Jim and Deb are laughing their heads off in the other room, and I have to go see what is SO FUNNY!

I'll be back soon though.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Hi Joy, Thank You for sharing your talents, humor and life with us. You are appreciated :)
    When I have one of those "Good grief" Charley Brown days I can watch one of your videos and it lifts my spirit.
    I hope it lifts your spirit to know that people are enjoying your videos and blog.
    I bet you could make a real funny "hang in there" quilt lol :)

    Thanks again for sharing,
    Mary Beth in SA TX

  2. Sounds like you are having fun while you wait for the boat.....☺☺☺ and isn't Terry amazing? Love that you have such a trustworthy friend! ♥♥ Enjoy your visit!

  3. Hi Joy, Thank you so much for making your videos I always learn something new each time I watch one of your videos. I pray your day is going well.

    God Bless
    Pat Callen in Det. Michigan

  4. Hi Joy, I came across your YouTube videos and have been really enjoying them. You have such a vibrant and bubbly personality that I find refreshing, that horrible person who left the nasty comment must have an awfully sad existence if that is how she fills her time. Keep up the great videos and blog, I have subscribed and will definitely be watching and following along.

    have a great day
    Jennifer in Perth, Western Australia

  5. Hi Joyree,
    Thank God for BFFs. Terry is so special. I just saw your video last night about the horrible person that wrote on your reminds me of those idiots that hack in on Peggy's shows. The world is full of mean people and I'm so glad that you realize they are not worth worrying about b/c your true friends and followers love you, the way you with your work derail spirit and the joy (our intended) you bring to us. We thank you.


TO COMMENT: Scroll down a bit and find the word "comments". It may have a number in front of it. Click on it, and you will be able to leave a somment. I realize you have to choose Google, Facebook or Anonymous or ? to post a comment. If you choose "Anonymous", you will be able to post a comment, but please leave your first name in your comment so I know you aren't a machine.

I do enjoy receiving comments, especially, when they are to answer my questions!

Hugs, Joy